■ 菲爾柯林斯
1951年1月30號出生於倫敦Chiswick的菲爾柯林斯從5歲與錫製的鼓接觸後,就跟鼓結下不解之緣。12歲時,柯林斯正式拿到整套的鼓,只要一有空,他就會對著電視螢光幕或在一群小朋友面前秀秀自己的鼓技,擁有藝術天份的柯林斯,隨後進入戲劇學校就讀,緊接著就在West End的劇場界以演出根據狄更斯名著改編的音樂劇「孤雛淚」(Oliver)嶄露頭角。
儘管在劇場界闖出名堂,柯林斯還是鍾情於搖滾樂,在擁有The Real Thing,The Freehold等樂團資歷後,柯林斯在Melody Maker看到一則名叫創世紀合唱團徵求鼓手的廣告前去面試,就在創世紀合唱團團長彼得蓋布瑞爾(Peter Gabriel)的父母家裡,柯林斯以鼓技說服該團成員,順利入主創世紀合唱團。
■ 戀愛與心碎,果真是寫歌的最佳靈感來源。
1984年,Phil Collins寫給離開他的第一任妻子的這首"Against All Odds"(Take a Look at Me Now),一傳唱就是二十幾年,曾位居告示牌單曲榜榜首達三週,一波又一波的歌手不斷翻唱,至今還有多少人在夜裡獨自流淚時仍需要它的陪伴。

How can I just let you walk away Just let you leave without a trace When I stand here taking every breath with you You're the only one who really knew me at all 我怎能讓你就此離去 讓你不留痕跡的離去 當我佇立在此,與你一同呼吸 畢竟你是唯一真正了解我的人
How can you just walk away from me When all I can do is watch you leave Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain, and even shared the tears You're the only one who really knew me at all 你怎能就這樣離開我 當我只能眼睜睜的看著你離去 因為我們曾經一起分享歡笑,痛苦 甚至分享淚水 畢竟你是唯一真正了解我的人
So take a look at me now Cause there's just an empty space And there's nothing left here to remind me just the memory of your face Take a look at me now Cause there's just an empty space And you coming back to me is against all odds And that's what I've got to face 那麼,再看我一眼吧 只因空中一片冷寂 這兒已沒有留下什麼 能讓我想起記憶中你的容顏 此刻,再看我一眼 只因空中一片冷寂 要你再回我身邊,已是完全不可能 那是我必須面對的
I wish I could just make you turn around Turn around and see me cry There's so much I need to say to you So many reasons why You're the only one who really knew me at all 但願我能讓你回頭 回過頭來看我在哭泣 有太多話想對你說 有太多的疑惑 畢竟你是唯一真正了解我的人
So take a look at me now Cause there's just an empty space And there's nothing left here to remind me just the memory of your face Take a look at me now Cause there's just an empty space But to wait for you, well that's all I can do And that's what I've got to face Take a good look at me now Cause I'll still be standing here And you coming back to me is against all odds That's the chance I've got to take 那麼,再看我一眼吧 只因空中一片冷寂 這兒已沒有留下什麼 能讓我想起記憶中你的容顏 此刻,再看我一眼 只因空中一片冷寂 但是,等你便是我唯一能做的 也是我必須面對的 此刻,好好的看我一眼 因為我將一直佇立在此 要你回我身邊,雖然是完全不可能 卻是我唯一的機會
Just take a look at me now 就看我一眼吧
