Where Did I Go Wrong


這條Where did I go wrong是前不久一位神秘的朋友推薦給我的。這麼好聽的雷鬼,我之前竟然沒注意,可能是因為1988是我正在"起飛"的年代,忙得昏頭轉向。總之感謝這位朋友,希望他現在能比以前過得更好。


不要老是問我:我做錯了什麼?我到底做錯了什麼?   !我哪知影你?

    WHERE DID I GO WRONG - UB40  1988

I'm sitting here praying that you weren't just saying
Leaving tomorrow was what you had planned
No point in pretending, I know that it's ending
I just want to know where the ending began

Where did I go wrong to make it like this
No warmth in your body, no touch in your kiss
Holding you now, hurts more than it should
If I let you go, girl, you'll be gone for good

I thought you had saved me, the love that you gave me
The sweetest loving in all of the land
But you've taken my heart, and you've torn it apart
And its crumbled to dust in the palm of your hand


There's nothin' worth sayin', I know you're not staying
Might as well face it, it's out of my hand
No point in pretending, I know that it's ending
I just want to know where the ending began


UB40樂團的八位成員都是在英國的伯明罕唸書時認識彼此。團名UB40來自於樂團在1978年組隊時英國的健康與社福部門所發布的一份名為「失業福利—40號表格Unemployment Benefit-Form 40」的文件。

樂團的八位團員包括:擁有靈魂樂音色,擅長吉他與打鼓,人稱雷鬼樂鬥士的主唱Ali Campbell;擁有英國雷鬼樂界最佳鼓手之稱,饒起政治與社會議題也是一把罩的James Brown;生性內向,有著出色彈奏技巧的貝斯手Earl Falconer;具備打擊樂器與長號等樂器長才,舞技過人的打擊樂器手Norman Hassan;擅長薩克斯風與號樂,同時身兼樂團影帶拍攝任務的鬼才Brian Travers;身兼樂團MC與小號吹奏的Astro;Ali Campbell的哥哥,擔任吉他與合唱的Robin;擔任鍵盤的Mickey Virtue

UB40樂團的八位成員陣容30年沒變動,直到2008年才有主唱Ali Campbell與鍵盤手Mickey Virtue等兩位團員離團的狀況。Ali Campbell的主唱遺缺由家族的另一成員Duncan遞補,而鍵盤手則是由Tony Mullings入替。